Z przyjemnością pragniemy poinformować, że uczennica 8 klasy, Maja Lengier zdobyła I nagrodę i statuetkę „Młodego Albatrosa 2020” dla filmu „Kropelka” reprezentując Amerykańską Szkołę Podstawową.


"I found this contest quite challenging since it was my first time animating. I hope to increase these skills and learn how to do more.  It took me about two evenings, without

any breaks, to make this short film. I always had my Bolek and Lolek drink by my side, to keep me motivated. I’m very pleased with the result and I think it looks rad. It doesn’t

matter if you have experience or not, you can always give it a try. Thank you."


Maja Lengier, klasa 8






Natalia Maciejewska
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