The 8th grade students, Ms. Basia, and Mr. John have just returned from a three-day trip to Dębki.

The trip provided the group with an opportunity to spend some quality social time together, kick the football around, shoot some hoops, play billiards, and improve tennis skills. It also allowed for some nice long walks, a chance to play the language games we play in school, enjoy some delicious meals, and, of course, practice English.

Our daily walks took us through the lush forests of the regions and to the stretches of sandy beaches along the Baltic. We also saw the Piaśnica Estuary, which has both geographical and historical significance in addition to its beauty. The way the river and the sea come together is impressive. It is also the spot where the border of the new Polish Republic was established after World War I, bringing to fruition the 13th of President Woodrow Wilsons Fourteen Points: an independent Polish state with free and secure access to the sea. A plaque that reads “Versailles 1919” commemorates this important historical event. Of course, no trip would be complete without a bonfire and sausages, and this one was filled with lively conversation and great music.

The Bereżecki Family, who own and operates Dębki Playa, showed us the generosity, kindness, and warm welcome for which they are known. The parents and grandparents of our students Tomek and Franek helped make this such a wonderful and worthwhile trip.

Now it’s time for the 8th grade students to get their noses back to the grindstone, work on achieving their goals, and prepare for their 8th grade Competence Tests. We hope that this short trip will prove to have been a necessary breather as they now begin to face the challenges that lie ahead. Everything about this group’s seriousness of purpose, goal orientation, and perseverance make us confident that that will be the case.

Joanna Napieralska
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