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Early-school Education in the English Language & Technology

Graduate of Early Education with English at the University of Gdansk and of English Philology at the College for Teachers of Foreign Languages at the Universit of Gdansk

Everyday I try to learn from the student, put myself in his position so that I can understand his way of thinking, and know the way he explores the world.

Zebra is my signature, but I see the world not only in black and white.

Early-school Education in the English Language

Student in the final year of Preschool and Early Childhood Pedagogy at the University of Gdansk.

I am always ready to listen to my students and try to understand their needs. I know that each child is unique and has its potential, so my goal is to build empowerment, self-esteem, and support development on many levels. I want not only to impart knowledge but also to inspire young minds to think independently and seek knowledge.

I enjoy traveling and cooking. I like to spend my free time playing tennis, as well as playing instruments.


Teacher of Polish and Ethics with many years of experience. In particular, I am interested in education through theater and film. I am the author of many methodical publications, tests, lesson plans, and reviews. For over 20 years I was a Polish language adviser at CEN and GODN.

In addition to classes with teenagers and teachers, I conduct classes with students at AMW. For years I have been working as an examiner, a member of the Provincial Polish Language Competition committee, an organizer (together with the Gdynia Film School) of the National Film Competition Young Albatrosses.

I work closely with the Municipal Theater, the Polish Film Festival, the University of Gdańsk, and the Documentary and Feature Film Studio in Warsaw. I graduated from the PAN Post-Graduate Studies of the New Middle School and the Main School of the Educational Championship.

Early-school Education

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamt of working with children and I have been fulfilling this plan for over thirteen years working in various preschools and nurseries. I love my work and always put the best interests of the child first. I am constantly trying to encourage my students to follow their artistic passions, develop their creativity and teach them to use their imagination. I am also a qualified nurse and I have gained experience working, among others, in surgical ward of the hospital in Wejherowo. In my spare time I enjoy dancing, singing and spending quality time with my family and friends. I am also keen on DIY, arts and crafts.

English Grammar & Early-school Education in the English Language

Graduate of English Philology at the University of Gdańsk, the College of Foreign Language Teacher Training and post-graduate studies in the field of Integrated Early Education. Participant of many trainings, workshops and methodical conferences

In my daily work I am motivated by this quotation from Margaret Mead: "Children must be taught how to think, not what they think." I invite children to frequent meetings with a book, to travel into a world of fantasy and to the creative development of their passions. I want them to know what respect and empathy are and to appreciate the value of friendship. I think of schooling as an adventure that will prepare children for independence and maturity.


Master’s Degree, University of Gdańsk

My passion has always been mathematics, which is why I chose this field of study. Thanks to the fact that my passion is also my profession, I do it with great commitment and satisfaction. In addition to mathematics, I'm interested in interior architecture and travel.

Social Studies & English

I was born in Zimbabwe and moved to England when I was 8 years old. I studied English Literature and History at University and qualified
as a teacher in 2002. I taught English, English Literature, MediaFilm Studies and Drama for 10 years in England. I moved to Poland in 2012.
My hobbies are reading, playing guitar, drama, playing soccer, and watching films.

Physical Education


Polish, grades 0-III

Graduate of MA studies in Oligophrenopedagogy at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Gdańsk, plus numerous post-graduate studies: in educational therapy, preschool and early school education, and speech therapy, and further training courses to name e.g. a year-long course in theatrical directing and a course in puppet-making run by the legendary founder of the Miniature Theater, Ms. Ewa Totwen.

Working with children, I do my best to tap on my rich vocational experience, also out of school, i.e. in the theater, on the radio, and in the press. Following Korczak and his ideas, I cherish and promote respect for the child, its ignorance, failures and tears, for secrets and uncertainties...

I like travelling, mountain trekking, and canoeing, but my top preference is to come back to my Kashubian home brimming with children, animals, and books.


30 years international teaching experience at University, High School and now Elementary School levels.

Education is important to me because I think we should be life-long learners. The best schools will reward our curiosity; encourage our creativity and critical thinking; open the doors of our imagination; and give us some of the skills we need to grow as thoughtful humans and engaged citizens in our communities and the wider world.

When Im not teaching, I am an art nerd - yes, it means I seek out some of the most obscure art experiences you can think of; as well as the wonders of Europes Baroque. Well, thats my cover story while I hunt down the best coffee and beaches!

English Conversation is important in our curriculum because we are all story-tellers and listeners. Apart from English being a wonderful and practical addition to childrens language abilities, we work on spoken language confidence and fluency in a fun environment, in the hope that the English language and your children will be friends for life.

Early-school Education in the English Language

A graduate of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń with a masters degree in English philology and post-graduate studies in pre-school and early-school education at the University of Gdańsk.

Experience gained while working in an international school, as well as work in language schools made me want to connect my future with teaching.

In my spare time I like learning Russian and French.


A graduate of the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.I really like my job.  It is full of surprising conversations, searches, and discoveries.

Other people are a treasure!I am happy to be able to share the joy of faith in the good and a loving God with children and young people.

In my personal life, mountains are my passion. I love to get to the mountains and admire them as often as possible.. As much as I can, I like mountaineering and climbing, preferably in remote areas of our globe.

Early-school Education in the English Language

A graduate of preschool and early school education at the University of Gdańsk with a masters degree.

I am a teacher who supports students in their comprehensive development - intellectual, emotional and social. I want every child to feel understood, appreciated and motivated to learn. In my work, I focus on an individual approach, adapting teaching methods to the needs and capabilities of each student. This allows me to create an environment in which children not only gain knowledge, but also develop their talents and life skills. I believe that education is more than just learning - it is discovering the world together, building relationships and shaping character. I appreciate learning through play and experimenting.

My passion is singing. I love traveling, especially to the mountains. I spend my free time reading books and swimming.

School Psychologist

Graduate of Psychology at the University of Gdańsk, post-graduate studies in clinical psychology at the Medical University of Gdańsk, and post-graduate studies in educational and social therapy

The task I set for myself is to see that every child attending out school feels important, wise, and understood.

As of September and onwards through to June I stick my nose in all problems noted so that we can all learn together to solve them and draw conclusions for the future. I split hairs to dig down to the causes of various phenomena observed as school, and that is why you can see me in a distance. I like listening to the beating heart of the school. In my time off, I pack my rucksack, share my time with friends, and listen to myself.

Early-school Education in the English Language

For eight years I lived in the United Kingdom. That is where I also graduated from Childhood Studies. Working with children is my real passion which I re-discover every single day. Teaching others makes me super happy. Therefore seeing my students’ achievements brings me not only a tons of joy but also motivates me to challenge myself further. I believe that the individual approach to each of my young pupils is the key to help them reach their full potential. Various music styles are constantly present in both my personal and work life. I eagerly share this passion of mine with my students to encourage them to develop their creativity through sewing or other arts & crafts projects.

My pupils often call me „Miss Fox” not only due to my hair colour but mostly because of my love for this animal. This lovely soft-toy helper is often present at my lessons.


I am a graduate of the University of Gdansk with a degree in Roman Philology and Iberian Studies. For years, teaching Spanish has been my great passion.

During my classes I try to arouse in my students an interest in the rich and varied culture and history of Spanish-speaking countries. I believe that curiosity and openness to what is "different" is a great value and an indispensable part of development.

Physical Education

Graduate, Academy of Physical Education and Sport in Gdańsk, majoring in physical education

From an early age I have been practicing basketball, first the Primary Sports School, and then in the Sports High School. Until graduation, I was an active player, currently I am playing for pleasure in amateur leagues.

For years I have been a big fan of the NBA. Additionally, I'm interested in music, film, books, motorization, and travel.

In my work, the most important thing for me is to encourage students to develop lifelong physical activity and to take care of their health. I believe that every person is able to find a sport or other form of physical activity that will make her happy.

Manager of Educational Projects

I'm a graduate of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Gdańsk. I have 10 years of experience in the preparation, management and implementation of projects financed from external funds. I gained this experience working as a project specialist at the University of Gdańsk, and as Development Director at a Portuguese training company. The successes of these roles included organizing numerous training events, post-graduate study projects, conferences and international internships for PhD candidates.

At the American Elementary School of Gdynia, I am the educational projects manager. I treat my role as a PROJECT whose main goal is to enable students to develop in a multi-dimensional way, to add to their experience of the core curriculum. I want to achieve this goal by organizing international youth exchange projects and similarly stimulating experiences that inspire students to think in unconventional ways and enable them to develop their passions. The INDICATOR of the success of this goal will be seeing our students equipped with the feelings of being a “citizen of the world” ready to face the challenges and opportunities of the future.

On a personal level, I'm the mother of two lovely children and we live in a little village near the Tri-City. I will also tell you my little secret ... whenever I have the opportunity I watch “Star Wars”, “The Avengers” and “X-Men” ... this is my unfailing way to break away from reality.

Early-school Education in the English Language & Coordinator



Graduate of German Studies at the University of Gdansk. Teacher with many years of practice, and numerous successes in preparing students for language Olympiads.

I was born in Gdynia, but I spent my childhood and early adolescence in the Federal Republic of Germany, where I began my wonderful adventure with the German language and the culture of German-speaking countries, which continues to this day.

The interest in my classes gives me great joy, and gives me a sense of a job well done.

Speech Therapy

Graduate of Social Pedagogy and Post-Graduate Studies in Speech Therapy at the University of Gdańsk

Being with children is the source of true joy for me. I respect them and would like to support them on their own paths. The motto which leads me in my work is a quote from Janusz Korczak: ‘The child wants to be good. If it does not know how to be one – teach it. If it lacks knowledge – explain. If it cannot cope – help it'.

I love the mountains, and not in disdain of touring I take life step by step with song on my lips. I am a fan of paper books and a passionate lover of my native tongue. Working for people I favor the belief that no one is left untouched by smile :)


Graduate of the University of Gdańsk, majoring in Physics with Mathematics. Since teaching is both my calling and passion, from the very beginning of my professional career, I have been deeply involved in the educational, upbringing, and caregiving processes.

In teaching, I employ methods that actively engage students by fostering an active, investigative approach. I want them to influence the world around them in innovative ways and to actively participate in solving contemporary scientific and technological problems.

My goal is to show students how research methods in physics (and beyond) are conducted and what scientific work should look like (including its preparation and the analysis process itself). Logical thinking and introducing students to a work system that focuses on problem- solving will certainly help them transition smoothly into adult life.

Early- school Education in the English Language

Graduate of the English Language at the University of Gdańsk, holder of the British qualifications: Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) in England

‘A hundred years from now it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove... but the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child’ -
Forest E. Witcraft

Computer Science

I'm a graduate of computer science engineering studies From an early age, I felt that the teaching profession was one in which I could fulfill myself. I introduce children to the world of new technologies with a smile on my face.

Privately, I am passionate about American culture and travel, and I like to spend my free time reading a good book.

History & Civics

Graduate of the political science at the Catholic University of Lublin [KUL] and University of Gdańsk, and of ethics at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University [UKSW] in Warsaw. Later, she took up post-graduate studies of the political science at the University of Gdańsk, and of ethics at the UKSW in Warsaw.

I have been teaching for so long that I myself resemble history. To me, history is truly the ‘magistra vitae’ and I want to share that conviction with the students. On the other hand, I want to make it live, colorful, and inspiring. After all we too are writing the chronicles, so we must weave history wisely. Every course can be a source of knowledge.

I like historical literature and detective stories, but my favorite pastime is travelling to discover the intriguing past. The most interesting expeditions I share with the students are those to the Polish mountains – they offer excellent and wise relaxation after intense work.


Science moves with the spirit of an adventure characterized both by youthful arrogance and by the belief that the truth, once found, would be simple as well as pretty. James D. Watson

Mathematics and Computer Science

I am a graduate of Mathematical Modeling and Data Analysis. For as long as I can remember, math has never been difficult for me and I have helped others understand it. I enjoy seeing the smiles on students' faces when what they thought was difficult turns out to be easy. In my free time I enjoy reading books, watching movies, but also exploring new places.

Vice-Principal & Natural Science, Geography

Holder of the Ph.D. degree in Earth Sciences from the University of Gdańsk and post-graduate degrees in natural science and technology, also from the University of Gdańsk.

“Nature is an infinite sphere, whose centre is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere”
Albert Schweitzer

Teaching natural science is an endless journey, which enables me to follow my passions and working with students gives me great satisfaction. I admire the perfect world of nature and I am doing my best to show its beauty in every dimension.


I am a graduate of the University of Gdańsk, Faculty of Polish Philology and postgraduate pedagogical studies at the Naval Academy in Gdynia. Both at work and in life, I am fascinated with challenges, movement, unlimited possibilities and a fresh perspective.

In my pupils I want to arouse love for the Polish language, provoke them to be inquisitive and searching, and release sensitivity, empathy and enthusiasm in the face of the beauty of the world. In echoing the Czech educator Jan Amos Komensky, I have faith in his words: "Science must start with sensual insights, not descriptions of things with words."

In my opinion, an open teaching model is the key to success in education. At the same level of importance as excellent, substantive preparation I put good contact with students, conversation on a variety of topics, the sharing of passions, listening skills, an emphasis on group activities, and taking care of the good spirit of the class team. I try to avoid boredom in my lessons, leading spontaneously and with a guiding idea. It is obvious that the success of my pupils is very motivating for me, but the biggest reward is the flash in the pupils’ eyes and their involvement in the class.

What does it mean to be a good teacher? For me, there can be only one answer: A good teacher is a creative and searching teacher, one who is active, open to anything new, and a partner in the teacher-student dialogue.

In my free time I relax by swimming and running, experimenting in the kitchen, picnicking with my family, and in the evenings enjoying a good book accompanied by the glow of aromatic candles. I love the purity and simplicity of the white Scandinavian interiors and watching the sailing daughters.
I consider myself a happy and fulfilled person; I live on the beloved sea, I have a fantastic family and a job that is my passion and a fascinating adventure.

Mental Support

For many years I have been accompanying young people in their development – as a teacher, tutor, trainer and film educator. I support young people, inspiring them to creative action. I’m one of the founders of the House of Film in Gdynia where several hundred short films have been created under my care by children and young people about what is important to them. I direct films myself, including "Optimista", "Gadzio", "Kapitan".

I am a graduate of directing, sociology, pedagogy and child and youth psychology at SWPS University. I deal with issues of mental health, addiction prevention, online safety and developmental psychology of children and youth.

I have been associated with the American Elementary School since 2016, as a teacher of WDŻ (Family life education), a project implementer of film education projects and a specialist for personal support of students.

Early-school Education in the English Language

I’ve always belived that Teaching is the most exciting job that one can commit to. I remember the fun I had as a kid when I was organising lessons for my grandparents. After completing my student practices in one of the International Schools in Gdańsk, I knew I have found something more than just an occupation.Being part of the process of the students’ growth is a beautiful thing that gives so much energy that can be invested to achieve even more.

I studied at Gdańsk University - Early Education and English Teaching, followed by English Philology. To me each student is a unique an original part of the process. I cherish the constant change and each success we achieve together. When you teach every day is a new adventure.


Graduate of the Faculty of Chemistry and Postgraduate Study of Mathematics with Computer Science at the University of Gdansk. Working with the student and gradually building a foundation of knowledge to understand the world around us consumes me to the core. I try to explain chemical problems in easy ways. For many years I have been preparing students for the Chemistry Olympiad. My persistence does not allow them to give up. They achieve their goal surrounded by passion and collegial cooperation. My teaching is guided by the motto: "Nothing in life should be feared, it should only be understood". - Maria Skłodowska-Curie. I love traveling, and most of all car trips, which I plan together with my family and we meticulously implement their points. There is room in them for spontaneous stops in places that the itinerary did not include. This form of travel allows us to meet new people, their way of life, their way of looking at the world. Hiking recharges us with positive energy and smiles, which we share with others.

Physical Education

It was my first physical education teacher who encourage me to sport. Thanks to him I started taking part in table tennis classes after obligatory lessons. Passion for tennis lasted for following eight years.

As a PE teacher I would like children to be aware of how essential physical activity in our life is. The royal physician from XVI century said: ,,Activity may substitute almost every medicine, but all medicines together won’t substitute activity”.

I can’t imagine spending my free time without physical activity. Riding a bike, running, hiking that is what I like. In addition, I am also interested in: floristics, reading books and qualified first aid issues.

Special Educator

I graduated in early education and general pedagogy, as well as postgraduate studies in diagnosis, revalidation and pedagogical therapy. My goal is to support children in their harmonious development, to help them overcome difficulties and develop their skills. I am committed to making each child feel safe and accepted. I am always ready to help and listen, because I believe that everyone has the potential to achieve great things.

My mission is to support children in discovering their talents and to help them grow in self- esteem.

In my free time I like to ride my bike and read books, which allows me to relax for a while and develop my interests.

Early-school Education

Graduate of the Institute of Pedagogical Sciences at the University of Opole with a master's degree in elementary education and postgraduate studies at the Higher School of Vocational Education in the field of education and rehabilitation of people with intellectual disabilities, autism and Asperger's syndrome, certified Montessori teacher, hand therapist, social skills training therapist, Privately an avid traveler, aquarist and nature lover. I am very fortunate to combine my professional work and my passion-educating children in one. I teach through play, because I believe that play is associated by a child with something pleasant and develops them in all spheres. My task is to observe and stimulate in the student the desire to learn about the world, and then just accompany him on this scientific journey. I am convinced that learning through play, being free to be oneself and spontaneous, natural development is the key to success and makes the educational process effective. In line with Confucius' thought, I provoke children to discover the most interesting information for them on their own: "Tell me and I will forget, show me and I will remember, let me do and I will understand." At the same time, I myself learn from children, for their sensitivity and imagination make it easier for me to choose attractive methods and forms of work. I want to sensitize students to the beauty of the written and spoken word, by improving speech, shaping verbal expression, developing attachment to the mother tongue, awakening sensitivity to mastery and correctness of language.

English & Music

Being a teacher for over 30 years has taught me a lot, and I’m happy to say that I’m still learning. I like to have my students focus on the WHAT, the HOW, and the WHY of learning.

The WHAT of learning is the subject matter. As important is the HOW, and it is critical for teachers and students to be aware of individual learning styles, various learning strategies, and each of our strenghts and weaknesses. The final component, the WHY of learnng, has us zero in on the reasons why things are learned, what relevance they have to the students’ lives, and the ways in which the knowledge and skills they acquire can be used in other academic settings or in real-life situations.

All of this takes REFLECTION, and through reflection on the entire learning process, we hope to accomplish one of the most important goals of our school’s Mission Statement, namely, to help create students who bring joy and passion to their eduction and become life-time learners.

Early-school Education in the English Language

In teaching, the most important thing for me is building a sense of security, effective communication and an in-depth understanding of children's needs.

Lessons are to be an adventure and a fun and a way to develop creativity. A good teacher makes children smile, to be open, and not afraid of new challenges.

What do I like? I like to swim in the warm sea, dance, and relax in the garden. I really like British movies and novels. Sushi is my favorite dish.


Graduate of the Faculty of Choral Conducting, Artistic Education, Sacral Music, and Eurhythmics of the Academy of Music in Gdańsk, and post-graduate studies in Voice Emission at the Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz.

I play the traverso flute and the piano, but my passion focuses of singing in all its varieties – from solo, through groups, and up to choirs. I also lecture at the Academy of Music in Gdańsk to the young music teachers-to-be. The classes with both the academy students and children never cease to convince me about the profoundness of the impact music appreciation and sensitivity to music exerts on comprehensive development of the child. Therefore, in my work I strive at developing artistic passion in each and every student, I try to teach them conscious reception of art and self-expression through playing and making music.

I truly indulge in my time with the family, the nature, and idyllic rural life.


A graduate of Pedagogy, specializing in Resocialization, and postgraduate studies in Early Childhood Pedagogy. My adventure with the American school began very early, when I was less than 20 years old. The school was developing and I was developing along with it, which is why it is so close to me. In my job, I pay particular attention to children's safety, their smile, development and well-being. A happy student is a happy teacher.

English Grammar

I am a graduate of English Philology and Social Studies at the University of Gdańsk.

I have been a teacher at the American Elementary School in Gdynia for many years. During this time I have gained additional teaching experience in the USA and the UK.

My priority is working hand-in-hand with the students in order to lay down the grammatical foundations of their English language skills in comprehensible and practical ways, as well as in ways that stimulate their curiosity of the world and its people. I am fascinated with the cognitive process that each individual student goes through in their own exceptional and unique manner.

I love travelling, which engages me both physically, mentally and spiritually. Discovering new places, meeting new people and getting insights into other lifestyles and ways of thinking are deeply enriching experiences for me.

Early-school Education in the English Language

Graduated of English Philology and Teaching College of Foreign Languages at the University of Gdansk and postgraduate studies in pre-school education and early school education.

I believe that there is no effective teaching without good relationships. Much more important than all teaching methods is the teacher's approach and his attitude. "All children start learning at school with great enthusiasm for learning. So it is not a matter of urge to wake it up, but not to destroy it ... Good tutor who does not force but who triggers, who does not pull but who raises, who does not push but who shapes, who does not dictates but who teaches, who does not demands but who asks – he will experience plenty of inspiring moments with children "- J. Korczak. This is what I wish the children and what I wish myself.

There is a sense in Ryszard Kapuscinski's thought: "There is such a thing as a traveling contagion and it is a kind of disease that is incurable in fact".


Graduate of German Studies at the University of Gdańsk and Psychology at the University of Lodz

"Wer fremde Sprachen nicht kennt, weiß nichts von seiner eigenen."* ---J.W. Goethe

"If you do not know foreign languages, you know nothing about your own." --- J. W. Goethe

I try to make the students understand that knowledge of a foreign language provides more than the ability to communicate, but also broadens horizons and allows you to wander deep into oneself. I really like German detective stories and historical literature. The praising eyes of my doggie and good Swiss chocolate always soften my heart.

*"If you do not know foreign languages, you know nothing about your own."

* “Kto nie zna języków obcych, nie wie nic o swoim własnym.“

Physical Education

AWFiS graduate in Gdansk, instructor of figure skating, skiing, gymnastics and swimming.

I have been teaching at American Elementary School for 13 years, where I am successfully implementing skating, roller skating, skateboarding and dance classes to the curriculum. I have been involved in figure skating for many years, as an instructor for children, adults and students of AWFiS in Gdansk and as a judge.

Since 2015 I have been involved in the activities of the "Sport for Health" Foundation under the project "REStart - Rehabilitation, Education and Sport for Health", where I give sports classes for children and teenagers.


One-man band. Leader, creator, and head of the Say&Play Sopot School of English, co-organizer of the Sopot English Summer Camps for 12 years, a trainer in logical thinking from the Feuerstein Institute, and coordinator of the Let’s Think program, which helps develop key 21st-century skills. She has been teaching English for over 20 years. A graduate of the University of Gdańsk. Languages are her passion. During her journey, she has been trying to master not only English but also Russian, and French. She is currently learning Swedish.

She sings, dances, plays the piano and the guitar, and loves various crafts: crocheting, sewing, and creating something out of nothing. She loves escape rooms, especially designing her own to use during the classes. Since 2019, she has been sharing her knowledge through various training sessions and has been a speaker at events such as Kapelusze Lektora PASE and IATEFL trainings.

Privately, she is a mother of three school-aged children who have bravely tested her teaching ideas for years.


I studied science, engineering, and technical sciences at the Gdańsk University of Technology, the Maritime University and the University of Vitus Bering in Denmark.

In my work, I try to convey my passion for mathematics and physics, their uniqueness and their application in the world around us.

In my free time, I wander through the mountains and visit the mysterious corners of Europe, reaching by bike into the most beautiful places.


I am originally from Podlasie, and I have lived in Gdansk since I was a student. I graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Gdansk. After graduation, I worked mainly in non-governmental organizations, as I like to combine professional work with helping others. In the meantime, because of my interest in the subject of faith and spirituality, I completed my theological studies in Gdynia. I have also always loved children, so 6 years ago I decided to change my professional direction and become a religion teacher. To this end, I also completed my pedagogical studies in Gdansk. In my work I am guided by empathy, an individual approach to the child and a passion for evangelism and shaping the highest values among students. I enjoy spending time actively, riding my bike, playing volleyball and swimming. In addition, I enjoy reading books and hanging out with family and friends.

Early-school Education in the English Language

Graduate of Early Education with English language and Speech Therapy at the University of Gdansk. I have improved my teaching skills by working in international school for the last 8 years.

The principal core in education according to me is building safe and warm relationship with my students, which is a foundation of comprehensive development of children. I try to inspire students to learn so that they become more independent, conscious and creative human beings. I believe that the classroom might be the place that shapes the attitude of empathy and kindness among children. Every child has a potential that is worth discovering and developing.

Privately, I like spending time with my cat Pinky, reading belles-lettres and visiting cultural institutions.