We are utterly proud and happy to share with you the results attained by our students in yet another, twelfth edition of the inter-school competition project in Gdynia under the motto: ‘Gdynia – the city which has won over my heart’. Our students won absolutely fantastic places.

Category: multimedia presentation:

1st place - Maja Rogaczewska

Category: Speech competition in the Polish language:

2nd place - Julia Młodnicka

3rd place - Maksymilian Basir

Category: Speech competition in the English language:

1st place - Aleksandra Kołodziejska

Distinction: Weronika Bucior

Category: Art competition – the monuments of Gdynia

Distinction: Eugeniusz Arciszewski

Category: Board game, quiz

3rd place - Julia Młodnicka

Category: Album

2nd place - Maja Drozd

Heart-felt congratulations to the winners on their success!